Our Mold Removal & Remediation Services

Mold growth can happen at anytime and almost anywhere, whether in your shower or bedroom. Our remediation & removal services are designed to keep your home free from any mold that might be growing.

We do all types of mold including black mold which can hurt your health and cause disease. Call us today for our mold services!

Simple steps to start the process:

step 1

Inspecting & Testing of Mold

Our skilled team of professionals will use professional grade tools to help find and discover what kind mold it is. From here we can give you a quote to remove it.

step 2

Remediation Process

Depending on the job we will usually start by taking up all drywall to find the bare of the mold. We will then kill the mold with product and remove any excess humidify to help prevent it from growing again.

step 3

Rebuild Process

After removing the mold we can then come back and rebuild the home back pre mold damage.

[ services ]

Our best offers for you

Our technicians use state-of-the-art equipment and eco-friendly products to keep your lawn healthy and creating stunning and functional landscapes.

Let us help you restore your home back to pre-water damage. We are here to support you every step of the way, ensuring a smooth and stress-free restoration process.

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Let us help you restore your home back to its pre-fire damage look. Our expert team ensures every detail is addressed, bringing comfort and beauty back to your space.

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Reach out to us today!

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[Service Area]

We service the Entire Vancouver, WA Metro Area.
Call us (360) 869-0763